Spontaneous and Intuitive Creation

Spontaneous and Intuitive Creation, from the Wisdom Of The Golden Path Oracle Card deck, by Toni Carmine Salerno
Spontaneous and Intuitive Creation, from the Wisdom Of The Golden Path Oracle Card deck, by Toni Carmine Salerno

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Spontaneous and Intuitive Creation, from the Wisdom Of The Golden Path Oracle Card deck, by Toni Carmine Salerno

Spontaneous and Intuitive Creation: “You have drawn this card today to remind you that the life force within you is the most creative force on Earth. At the heart of every living thing the same creative force and potential exists. You are part of one universal soul and are energetically connected to the eternal light of creation. Close your eyes for a moment and feel the creative force within you. Feel yourself in communion with the entire Universe. You hold the potential and power to spontaneously create by tapping into the Universal energy field of endless possibility. But you must first feel this power within you and love and trust it. You can create whatever it is you want provided your mind, heart and soul agree and are in alignment. Pay particular attention to impulses and ideas that come to you seemingly from nowhere. Your intuition can be your greatest asset. Trust all that you sense and feel and b guided by your instincts. Thoughts and ideas are the seeds of every creation and spontaneous creation begins by the planting of a seed.

I am one with the Universe.

I am one with the power of creation.

I spontaneously and intuitively create what my heart desires.

My thoughts and actions are in alignment with my soul.”*

– Toni Carmine Salerno

 This energy is crazy!! Anyone else feeling it? One day I’m exhausted and overwhelmed, the next day I am in full on creation mode… with an abundance of energy and ideas and never enough time to take action on them all… although believe me, I am working on it! Here we have another message of focus, trust and manifestation. We are still in the zone of infinite possibility and powerful creation. What are you creating?

Our thoughts at this time are so powerful, and yes, many of them may not be “our own,” as strange as this may seem, we are downloading Universal wisdom and guidance at a rapid pace right now, and the best way to assimilate it all is to relax, breathe and surrender to the flow of energy. Notice how even your tiny thoughts are coming to fruition right in front of your eyes, and it’s not taking long to do so! Look at the picture in this card… does this look like a man who is timidly creating? Or is he one who is fearlessly and powerfully manifesting? Harness his energy for yourself, see your dragon, see yourself standing in this very same power. And create!

If you are not in a place that you are happy with, create one, starting right now! Never mind your current situation, use your imagination and emotions to build a new one. If you struggle with this, you must get in touch with your inner child. Children are amazing at using their imaginations to create incredible fantasies, not knowing or caring whether or not they could actually come true. Kids don’t stop to think about it, they just go with it, and have a great time along the way. They feel invincible! Find your inner child and go play. Smile. Skip. Take off your shoes. Pat a dog. Smell the flowers. Jump through puddles. Whatever it takes to raise your vibration, and get connected with your creative flow.

We have nine more days of this wild ride… make the most of it! We are setting ourselves up for creating the life of our dreams, full of abundance, joy, health and peace. The portal is open, keep bringing love and light through it!


* Wisdom Of The Golden Path Oracle Card deck, by Toni Carmine Salerno






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