
Daily Angel Oracle Card: Raven, from the Medicine Cards, by Jamie Sams and David Carson Raven: “Magic” “Throughout time, Raven has carried the medicine of magic. This has been true in many cultures across the planet. It is sacred, in the medicine ways, to honor Raven as the bringer of magic. If the magic is…

Magic ~ Labradorite

Daily Angel Oracle Card, from the Crystal Ally Oracle Card deck, by Naisha Ahsian: Magic ~ Labradorite Magic ~ Labradorite: “Labradorite is a feldspar that is opaque to translucent, with a blue-gray to rainbow coloured chatoyancy. It is a beautiful stone, calling to mind storm clouds and rainbows. Labradorite is a stone used for earth…

Archangel Azrael ~ Surrender

Daily Angel Oracle Card, from the Ask An Angel Oracle Card deck, by Toni Carmine Salerno: Archangel Azrael ~ Surrender Archangel Azrael ~ Surrender: “Death, like life, is constant. Everything in existence is constantly dying and being reborn – from the cells in our bodies to out thoughts and feelings, to the constant shifting cycles…