Crown Of The Butterfly Bambini

Crown Of The Butterfly Bambini, from the Divine Circus Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, Artwork by Maxine Gadd
Crown Of The Butterfly Bambini, from the Divine Circus Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, Artwork by Maxine Gadd

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Crown Of The Butterfly Bambini, from the Divine Circus Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, Artwork by Maxine Gadd

Crown Of The Butterfly Bambini: “Just as nature imbues the butterfly with an innate ability for radical transformation, so too do you have natural instincts within, guiding you to grow in dramatic, utterly life-changing ways. Progress is your perfection. Growth is your attainment. Do you shun what you have been or mistakes you have made? Or instead, do you wear your ability for transformation as a sacred crown of power?”

“Transformation is an ability, an art, a sacred power. It requires an ability to go through the death of an old self, to be reborn again. That death might be an identity, a lifestyle or career, or an inner sense of self that no longer seems enough to truly reflect ho you are becoming.

It requires both strength and flexibility, to be like bamboo, to bend without breaking. you have to be so strong in your sense of your essence, that even as the form of your life, your body, your mind, your very soul goes through change, you recognize that underneath it all, there is a kernel of essential, eternal you that is always the same. That is your spiritual anchor within, a feeling of peaceful consistency even whilst the rigors of life work their magic upon you, causing you to change and grow in other ways. The flexibility you possess will indicate the extent to which transformation is possible.

Are you willing to let go of what you have known, who you have been, without judging it, except to understand that you are outgrowing your past and becoming your future in this very moment? This takes great courage whilst flexibility of mind allows you to believe there are other possibilities in this life beyond what you have already experienced. The strength gives you enough courage to bear the loss of the known and the terror of the unknown, perhaps even turning that terror into excitement for what may be.

Crown Of The Butterfly Bambini speaks of the spiritual ability in you to transform. This is not small change. It is life-altering transformation, where you pass through a door and cannot go back. It is challenging. It is thrilling. It promises so much happiness, but there will be loss to grieve also. If you are in transition through such a transformational process you will know how painful it can be at times.

This oracle brings you confirmation that this shall not be a failed initiation for you, but a true rebirth. You have what it takes. You can make this crazy improbable leap into a completely new consciousness. You are meant to do so. It might seem ridiculous, just like the improbable miracle of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly, but it is part of your destiny. This radical change of which you dream, or which you feel swept up in without knowing what it is that is pulling you forward, is meant to be. believe in your own ability to transform. Trust in what is happening.

Don’t dream small dreams, for you are capable of far more dramatic and colourful creations. You have within you the ability to become a creature so wildly beautiful and free that you probably cannot even envision what that will look like at this time. All you can do it trust in the magnificence of what you are becoming, the expression of the transformational intelligence and power within you.”

Healing Trick: “To help you take the wisdom offered and put it to best use in your life now, do this healing trick to clear obstacles to putting this guidance into place.

Rest and relax. If appropriate, you may like to lie down or sit with your eyes closed for several moments.

When you are ready, say aloud:

“Butterfly medicine, dreamer of impossible dreams, you teach me that no ending is ever as it seems. The end is the beginning of new life for me, so I can fulfill my divine destiny. Give me courage, understanding and flexibility, to embrace my transformational divinity. What I have been and who I am yet to be, are the creative manifestations of the one true me. I trust in the miracle of radical growth and the magic at work helping me transform into the wildest and most beautiful creature I can be.”*

~ By Alana Fairchild

Card Artwork: ‘Krisha’ by Maxine Gadd

Focus on the magic that is YOU. Don’t worry so much about others: what they think; what they expect of you; who you need to be in order to attract someone or in order to please those already in your life. Let all that go.

Step into the magic and mystery of being You. Of you being connected to our Great Mother, Gaia. Of you being connected to the Universe. There is nothing more rewarding than finding that inner wisdom, acceptance and love.

Our world is transforming around us, and we are being called to take action to assist the ascension process. The only way to do this is to be fully integrated into our own truth; we are most powerful when we are comfortable in our own skins, expressing ourselves creatively and whole heartedly. No holding back. No compromise. This is our Light. This is our gift to the world and we are being called to use it.

When you step into you, fearlessly and unapologetically, you transform your reality.

Miracles happen.



~Archangel Oracle

*Divine Circus Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, Artwork by Maxine Gadd


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Val C says:

    I have spent a fair amount of time judging myself and my former partner for being in an abusive relationship. It’s been very challenging to not get caught up over and over again in the victim role. I know I am stronger than that. I AM still angry and it is very confusing as I love this person very much. But, I AM moving on and I will become, beyond the past. This reading is a reality check and an inspiration to do just that, move on, rather than spend any more time and energy justifying in my mind and to my friends and family that the abuse happened. It did.
    We can have more than one soulmate. I am beginning again by being my own soulmate. I love caterpillars and butterflies and I honor both in myself and in her.

    Thank you for the Butterfly Medicine healing. –Val

    1. Have strength Val, find your worth and move forward fearlessly, you deserve so much better. Those who abuse us teach us how to value ourselves, say no more to toxicity and walk away. Then it is up to us to heal ourselves and start a new chapter. This is the absolutely best time to do this. The planets are literally in alignment right now until Feb 6th. Blessings, love and light. Dee

  2. Val C says:

    Thank you for your encouragement Dee. And for the planetary insight. What a relief that will be and already is. Blessings, Val

  3. Val C says:

    Thank you Dee. The NEA list pretty much sums it up. I am no longer on Facebook. I do not want to take a chance of being found/ contacted by my former partner. I’m being very cautious now.
    I appreciate your support. I hope you are getting the support you need too.
    Blessings, Val

  4. Val C says:

    Hi Dee, I am only half way through the youtube about soulmates and twimflames and wow. Thank you! I believe this information has come now because I’m ready to know and to have some of the questions I have asked answered. Our intuition is something to be honored and respected. Thank you. Val

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