

Daily Angel Oracle Card, from the Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Deck, by Stephen D Farmer: Peacock

Peacock: “Let yourself stand out and be noticed.”

“It is time to step forward and stop hiding behind any of the facades that you have developed over the years. Although these personas have been highly adaptive and have helped you along the way – for which you can be grateful – there is more of you to express to the world, and it is ready to emerge. There is a certain safety and comfort in being inconspicuous and always staying in the background, yet in playing it safe in this way, others don’t have the opportunity to get to know who you really are., and you don’t get to experience the richness and textures that are possible by participating more fully in life. By remaining in the background, you not only alienate yourself from others, but often end up allowing others to choose for you. Doing so can make you feel like a passive victim of life.

Being noticed does have some risks. people may criticize or judge you, particularly if they are not used to you asserting yourself in such a way. Or you may judge yourself, which can be an even harsher sentence. These are the most likely risks, but they actually very minimal. So shed any guilt or shame about coming out with who you are. Wear more colourful clothing, sing, dance, and let others know your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. You can do so with grace, dignity, and enthusiasm  – and you might even enjoy it!


Self-confidence; Clairvoyance; Sensitivity; Healing; Dignity; Laughter; Leadership; Gracefulness; Flamboyance; Colourfulness, Cheerfulness; Radiance; Attractiveness.”*

You are bold and beautiful and unique, yet the world may not realize just how much you have to offer if you have been hiding it! It’s time to step into your true self, dropping fears and doubt that have held you back from your full potential. Now I realize that this may be difficult if you have been in hiding for most of your life, so baby steps may be in order; what can you do today, right now, to be more authentic to YOU? Change your hair? Wear that favourite colourful shirt that you are worried someone may comment on? Put on an extra couple of pieces of jewelry? Start simple! Turn the music up in your car and sing loudly all the way to work… well unless you carpool, then you may have to take it easy on the other people in the car! Sign up for a class that you have always secretly wanted to learn; yoga, meditation, glass blowing, signing; anything that appeals to you. The first thing that popped into your mind, ya, do that! Or join a group doing something you already love doing, meet new people, broaden your horizons. It doesn’t have to cost money, it just needs to get you out of your comfort zone, routine or rut so have fun with it, get creative! Listen to your intuition and follow your inner guidance and see where it takes you!

You are unique, you have a beautiful soul and a gift to share with the world. Break out of your shell and shine your light; you won’t believe the abundance you will attract!



* Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Deck, by Stephen D Farmer

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  1. MaggieJean says:

    I recently received this card when with a group of great people. Whether Spirit sent it or not … l believe so… the message livens me and inspires me.
    Im excitedly going to step into my true authentic self! 💫✨💕 Namaste

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