Wind ~ Activation

wind activation

Daily Angel Oracle Card, from the Earth Magic Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer: Wind ~ Activation

Wind ~ Activation: “The various currents of air that circulate on our planet can be gentle enough to tickle the hairs on our arms or so fierce that they destroy man-made structures, as well as trees and other vegetation. Wind moves the air to circulate the atmosphere and keep it from becoming stagnant. When there is no movement, the atmosphere feels somehow heavier. Gentle breezes help cool the land and pollinate flowers, whereas more tempestuous winds can snap tree branches off  and stir something deeply within us. More violent winds can create temporary chaos with their ferocity.

No matter the degree of intensity, wind will activate us. IN this image, the breath of the god of wind stirs the sea and rearranges the sky. As this occurs, the weather shifts. The effects, even in this small area, send ripples throughout, blending and dancing with the water and the sky. It activates the atmosphere and the world feels more alive when there is wind.

The lethargy you feel is the result of a lack of activation – in other world, something that stirs your senses. This could be anything from walking outdoors, feeling the breeze on your body, or inhaling the different aromas that Nature herself provides. Or is could be finding the pleasure in a warm bath that helps you release the tension and stress from your mind and body. Music may activate your hearing, which sparks the pleasure centers in your brain. Art may activate your emotional responses. The touch of another human may activate a deep need to be physically held in some manner once again.

Now is the time for action. Engage in some activity and be fully present so that you forget about your surroundings and enter into that timeless and multidimensional experience of union with the focus of your creative attention. Let you physical body be active. Movement alone – whether quietly dancing by yourself or hiking up that hill over yonder – will require you to be as present as possible in your body. Enjoy!”*

There is nothing more liberating than standing outside with your arms up, palms open, feeling the wind whipping through your hair. The wind has a cleansing effect, as it blows all the negative or low vibrational energies right out of your aura and away into the atmosphere to be dissolved. You feel free and alive as you breathe in the fresh air; particularly if you can be near the ocean, forest or mountains, where the air is the cleanest and full of oxygen, waking up your cells as you breathe it in. The wind is powerful and can help you to feel powerful too; like you can take on anything. It can give you a nudge in the right direction to let go of stagnancy and complacency and stir things up a little.

Again there is synchronicity in the themes lately; stepping out of your comfort zone, gaining perspective, seeking freedom and inspiration. All of these lead back to living your life’s purpose, finding your authenticity and centering with self love and acceptance. It is no coincidence that as I write this I look out my window to see the trees moving and swaying, the clouds flying by in the sky. It’s time for me to get out there and walk the dog. I will take some time to breathe; asking the Divine to cleanse my energy, fill me with strength and whisper guidance on the wind. I have ideas swirling around in my head that will come to fruition soon; I have to organize my action steps and take the leap of faith.

If it’s not windy where you are, don’t worry! It will be windy at the perfect time for you. You can still visualize harnessing the energy and power of the wind as you breathe in some fresh air. You can still raise your palms and your face to the sky and ask for, guidance, love, healing and support. Feel the love flow through you; fully present and consciously allowing and receiving. Your angels love you, the Divine loves you and they are with you, as always, every step of the way.



* Earth Magic Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer

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