Reaching For Your Dreams

Reaching For Your Dreams
Reaching For Your Dreams, from the Angel Dreams Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue

Daily Angel Oracle Card, from the Angel Dreams Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue: Reaching For Your Dreams

Reaching For Your Dreams: “Go for it!”

“The answer is YES! Go for it. Dreams come in many forms, such as daydreams, hopes and wishes. When you hold your goals and desires within your heart, they have time to incubate in this sacred space.

You may feel doubts from time to time about whether or not your dreams will come to fruition. Trust that you were given the seeds of your desires from the Great Universe for a purpose. Your dreams would not have been placed in your mind and heart if you were not supposed to accomplish and live them. The Universe is supporting you. All is in perfect alignment as your dreams are ready to be made manifest.

Additional meanings for this card:

All the archangels are associated with this symbol.

Give thanks for the blessings in your life. You may want to keep a gratitude journal, perform small ceremonies, or just smile.

Remember your connection to All That Is.”*

-Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue

There is no more holding back, you must proceed with your creation, it is time! Your dreams are coming true and you are manifesting at a very rapid!  Keep vibration high by focusing your thoughts and feelings on the best possible outcome for all involved. If there is resistance in your life from those around you, ask the Angels to pave your way with good intention, acceptance and unconditional love. Belief in yourself is key; when you have conviction in your own abilities, no one can take it away from you with their negative, low vibrational energy… it simply bounced right off you!

Set the intention to draw into your life those who are like minded and supportive and they will appear as if by magic! This is the perfect time to build a meetup group or weekly, bi weekly or monthly meeting of the minds; remember, if you work together, you can master mind, and the more minds the better!

Prosperity is very likely now, but there may be a little surprise in the way it comes to you! Expect the unexpected, as the Universe seems to have a miracle in store for you. Your job is to stay receptive and open to possibility. When in doubt, fall back on knowing that your angels, guides, the Archangels and Ascended Masters and the Universe are all working together with you to create a life for you beyond your wildest dreams! Nothing can stop it…. except your own doubt, fear and low vibrational or negative self thoughts… so put a stop to those once and for all right here and now as you read this!

Resolve to dream up the most spectacular life ever. Starting now. Dream big, no holding back, nothing is too far out of reach when the Universe is on your side!



* Angel Dreams Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue



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