
Synchronicity, from the Angel Prayers Oracle Card deck, by Kyle Gray, artwork by Jason Mccreadie

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Synchronicity, from the Angel Prayers Oracle Card deck, by Kyle Gray, artwork by Jason Mccreadie

Synchronicity: “Thank you Angels I trust your well timed guidance and signs”

General Card Meaning: “There is a reason for some of the experiences you have been going through recently. There are no coincidences in life – everything is perfectly timed by God and the Universe. So, trust that your Angels are sending you divine guidance through the information and people coming into your life at this time. There is positive guidance here for you. Trust the process and the path that is being shown to you, as it will take you forwards one step at a time until you are where you need to be. The Angels of synchronicity are here to guide you and will remind you of their presence at the perfect time.”

Expanded Meaning Of This Card: “There is no such thing as chance. All is guided. If you come across an opportunity that is perfectly timed for you, know that this is the work of Angels. There are no coincidences, only ‘Godincidences’ – God and his angels sending signs and messages through people and situations that seem perfect for what is happening in your life now. If you have been waiting for the perfect time to begin or even end a project, know that there are synchronistic events occurring right now to show you the truth of the situation.”*

~By Kyle Gray

When we are stressed or overwhelmed, stuck in a problem or issue that just won’t seem to budge, we get tunnel vision; we have blinders on. We focus all our attention on that issue, analyzing it over and over, weighing every detail. We go over and over it in our minds, we focus on what we don’t want, or the lack of what we do want. We worry, we fret, we get envious of those who have what we want so very much. It spirals our energies down into a vortex, keeping our energy dense and low. It’s exhausting, demoralizing. As we do this we end up feel isolated, separated and alone. 

But if we can detach from the drama, and rise above it for a new perspective, we can take off those blinders and shift our focus. This is what we are being asked to do now. Look away from what is happening, or not happening that is keeping you stuck. Ask for signs from your Team of angels and guides. Ask for guidance, ask for direction, ask for help and for inspiration. And then acknowledge it when it comes, integrate the guidance. Often we will second guess the signs too! Even when they are so clearly for us we wonder if this is a sign or just a coincidence. It’s a sign. Trust that when you ask for guidance, it will come, and yes, the sign is indeed for you!

Know that you are never alone, you are always loved and supported. Signs and synchronicity is just one confirmation of the love that surrounds you each and every moment of every single day of your life.



~Archangel Oracle

*Angel Prayers Oracle Card deck, by Kyle Gray, artwork by Jason Mccreadie

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