Beyond The Mind The Heart Beats

Beyond The Mind The Heart Beats, from the Sacred Rebels Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Autumn Skye Morrison

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Beyond The Mind The Heart Beats, from the Sacred Rebels Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Autumn Skye Morrison

Beyond The Mind The Heart Beats: “In the chaos of modern life and the constant fluctuations of our minds, it can be difficult to remember that a sublime sanctuary lies within. Yet it is always there. Beneath the ceaseless activity, there is an endless, vast spaciousness that restores and connects us to something greater – something that exists outside of time. Some might call it ‘eternity’.

Within that sanctuary, sacred sound is felt rather than heard. That sacred sound is actually the reverberating heartbeat of the entire universe. Your own heart’s rhythm sounds within the greater universal heartbeat. The totality of life, all of your being, can be felt as one, through listening to, and feeling for, the sacred sound of the heart beating within you. It is through this heartbeat that we experience a love that is more than preference or attachment. This is the love that inspires, energizes and moves us to create – even beyond what we once thought  was possible. Your love for life, the need to feel alive and express yourself, and the quest for that which is truly fulfilling… these are the sacred urges that rebel against fear and promote passion for being alive, they flow through your blood and can be felt through the beating of your heart.

This oracle has a message for you. There is the way of the mind – which can make mountains out of molehills even when it thinks it is turning mountains into molehills! Then there is the way of the heart. It is subterranean and moves subtly beneath possible obstacles, intelligently shifting with exquisite sensitivity, sensing the way forward, through dangerous pathways and responding to what is before it even occurs in the physical world. However, with the heart’s intelligence we cannot see and know in the same way that we do when we allow the mind to direct us. We have to be open to another way if we want to benefit from the innate intelligence of the heart.

The mind sees, plans and strategizes. The heart feels, responds, senses and intuits. When we walk the path of the heart, we must feel and respond rather than plan our way. It is a different way to live and create. It is closer to the earth and to the source of life itself. It is not for those who are lacking in courage and trust, but you are not one of those! You are being asked to trust your heart, and to drop into it. The mind is important, but it cannot supplant the heart. The role of the mind is to serve the truths of the heart. That is, to create the spacious chamber of receptiveness into which the sacred rhythm of your heartbeat can resound.

This oracle comes with guidance for you. Deep within, you know what to do and you know what is true. It matters not whether the mind and its plans seem to agree with your inner sense. Your willingness to trust your heart and to rebel against fear will serve you well. Let your heart lead you. Be sure of your faith and trust in what you feel.

Your head and heart have been in conflict at times over the course of your life. This has brought you struggle and, sometimes, deep suffering. However, this oracle brings you the message that a truce will soon be declared and the appropriate outcome – of the mind waving the white flag of surrender – is imminent. Soon, if not already, you will finally be feeling that your heart is leading you! You will feel that your mind is learning to follow the guidance of your heart, rather than trying to be out front, seeing and sorting everything out in advance, in order to be safe. What a relief to let go of this old way! Your mind can become more relaxed and trusting. There will be a period of adjustment, as you get used to living without so much foresight, but with more insight, wisdom and energy in the present moment to create, create, create.

If you are finding that you cannot plan or strategize as you once did, or you feel that you know less than you have ever known about where you are heading or how you are supposed to get there, then this oracle comes as confirmation that these are healthy signs of a shift from head to heart. You are not proceeding in error. You are exactly where you are meant to be, doing exactly what you are mean to be doing. You are now in a position that is more powerful than ever, because you are allowing yourself to be guided by your heart – a heart that beats in harmony with the heart of all existence. Your affairs are in accord with love and no matter what may appear to be at times, all is unfolding according to that greater love. You included.”*

Healing Process: “Lie on your back, comfortably, with your hands on your heart. Say, ‘I love you. I trust you. You are beautiful and you are wise. You beat in harmony with the greater plan of love. You are my guiding light.’

Rest with your hands at your heart for several long, slow breaths or however long feels good.

When you are ready just go back to your day or evening. Any time you need to strengthen your connection to your heart’s truth, drop into your heart awareness by lightly placing one or both hands on your chest, over your heart and breathing gently.”*

~ By Alana Fairchild

The shift is happening and we all play a part. The shift from the head to the heart; from ego to Soul. An alchemical change that will transform us each individually and the collective consciousness as a whole. This is what we have been waiting for and it is time that we all do our part.

This shift happens when you make your decisions for the Highest Good of All concerned instead of just what is good for you. This shift happens when you look at every living being as connected to you; you see the Divine spark within that joins us all together. This shift happens when we turn from material pursuit and consumption to a spiritual quest. When we shine our Light and share our gifts with the world in authenticity. Without judging or fearing being judged. Without our masks in place. Without the hierarchy that we have all been born into.

We must shed all these layers and get really honest about what is important. Restructure our belief systems to match the existence we wish to live. Create communities of people who share and help and support each other. Kick the class systems to the curb.

Change everything.

One heart at at time.

Starting with yours.



~Archangel Oracle

*Sacred Rebels Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Autumn Skye Morrison



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  1. valcolumbia says:

    This is incredibly beautiful and very helpful now. Thank you! Val C.

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