Confidence ~ Cougar

Confidence ~ Cougar, from the Power Animal Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer
Confidence ~ Cougar, from the Power Animal Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Confidence ~ Cougar, from the Power Animal Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer

Confidence ~ Cougar: “Be bold and take charge.”

“You are being called to take a role of leadership, and it is natural for certain fears and considerations to surface, such as: “Will I be seen as arrogant, bullying or full of myself? Will others listen to me? Will I be challenged” Well, the truth is, these are all possible. You need to just get over it, rise above all these mind made fears, and heed the call. Whether you realize it or not, you are a natural leader, and there is no need to diminish the hard earned skills you learned through life lessons just so you ca play it safe. What you have to offer is needed right now, whether it is with your partner, your family, your community, or the larger world around you.

You will be judged. Count on it. And you need to hear these judgments, yet not allow them to rule you. Do not mistake ego-driven stubbornness and willfulness for determination. Listen to the voice of your inner nature and the wisdom gathered from experience to guide your choices. Acknowledge that everyone else has to make their own choices – including their response to you. Remember that effective leaders are good listeners. They know when to follow and when to lead, and when to move forward and when to hold still.

Additional Associations For This Card: Stealth; Leadership; Focus; Conviction.”*

– Stephen D Farmer

It’s time to step in to your power. There is no room for fear as you take charge of your life, only the absolute conviction that you can create your own reality with grace and ease. For the highest good of all involved. You are undergoing a powerful transformation and it requires you to believe in yourself fully and completely in order to move to the next level. No matter what.

Whatever has been beckoning to you is now screaming. That opportunity that was knocking can no longer be ignored. The fear and doubt that may have held you back in the past is gone, and you can move forward to take your place with confidence. You are heading in the right direction. Everything is falling into place exactly as it should be. All that is required is that you embody your full potential. Everything that has happened up until now has been gently preparing you for such a bold and courageous leap of faith into your power, can you feel it?

Plant your bare feet on the Earth and take some time to breathe in your new found strength. With every deep breath in draw your arms up to the sky, with every exhale bring your palms together in prayer position in front of your heart with the intention of releasing all feelings of needing to be small to please others. Feel the solid, nurturing energy of Gaia beneath you and the infinite loving power above. Pull these energies simultaneously into your heart chakra and receive the strength of their mingled energies. When you feel strong release them with gratitude and ask that every being that needs support will benefit from it now.

Know that you have everything you need in order to move forward.


* Power Animal Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer


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