Angel Amitiel and Blue Obsidian

Angel Amitiel and Blue Obsidian, From the Crystal Mandala Oracle Card deck by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jane Marin

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Angel Amitiel and Blue Obsidian, From the Crystal Mandala Oracle Card deck by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jane Marin

Angel Amitiel and Blue Obsidian: “Revelation”

“We bring you the gift of revelation. There are times when not knowing is helpful. During such times you develop unconditional trust in the Universe. That trust will then support you in living your life according to your personal truths. You need a lot of trust in yourself and in life to live with such courage. Not knowing the bigger picture can help you stay focused on what you need to do right now, rather than getting so excited about the future you become distracted from the work that needs to be accomplished in the present moment, unwittingly slowing down your progress and delaying the very future you want to draw closer to you! However, there are other times when it is more helpful to know, to understand, to see. A particular truth will help you gain perspective, let go of the past, heal a wound and feel safer, feel more loved, more empowered and ready for the next step on your life journey. This is one of those times. We bring you the helpful gift of revelation now because you are ready to now a deeper truth.”

There is an expression that says when it no longer serves you not to know, you shall know. For the spiritual aspirant who believes their path would be much easier if they only knew what was going on in their lives, and why things were happening the way they were, this might seem questionable. Yet there are benefits and empowerments that happen for us when we are in a ‘not knowing’ phase of our life journey, labouring through darkness and confusion, and not really sure what we are doing ( or supposed to be learning). During such times there is a possibility to develop spiritual strength by learning to trust unconditionally in life. This unconditional trust then helps us have the courage to act on insights and revelations when they come.

As much as we might feel we are ‘always ready’ to know what is going on, that isn’t actually the case.  There are times when seeing the divine purpose behind what is happening, and realizing exactly what we are letting go of and what we are growing into, would intimidate or frighten us. It might also seem so grand and overwhelming that we shut down and resist the process because our minds don’t understand that what seems difficult or impossible now, can seem utterly natural and comfortable several years, or even several months, from now. Or maybe a revelation of a glorious future would be so exciting that we could not stay present enough to do what needs to be done to actually allow it to happen!

There is a saying in the Sufi mystic tradition that the Divine grants destiny with compassion. What this means is that the Universe really loves you and wants to nurture you into your path, with the right information coming to you at the right time. Would you ask a kindergarten student to attend a postgraduate degree class in mathematics? Would you ask a child to handle the responsibilities that feel natural, and even empowering, for an adult to assume? What would happen to the kindergarten student or the child who is suddenly required so much more of than what he is naturally equipped to deal with at this stage of his life? How might they respond?

In time, with growth and development, those things could happen quite naturally, and even more easily when there is no fear created by the mind wondering, What if I fail? I don’t think I can do that! It might cause resistance, self-doubt and hesitation – all because the truth of what was coming was accessed prematurely.

We are at a phase in evolution on planet Earth where a lot can change in a short number of years. In fact, a lot can change in a number of months. What might throw you info fear if you knew it now, could be the very same information you accept with equanimity and trust – and perhaps even feel empowered and inspired by – several months or years from now. The Universe knows what you need and when you will best benefit from seeing what is happening from a higher perspective, including getting glimpses of how your future is unfolding.

In the same way, when an insight about your future or an understanding about what is happening does come to you, you are ready. You might be comfortable with it, or feel very challenged and not feel ready. However, there is a world of difference between feeling ready and being ready. The Universe knows of what you are capable, and when an insight comes to you, you can do something constructive with it.

A revelation is coming to you now because you are ready for it. Believe in what you see, feel and know within your heart now and over the coming time. You are going to see a mystery revealed before your very eyes and you may be startled, humbled, moved and inspired by what you come to know. There is only love in every revelation. You are just going to understand more of love’s delicious divine plan for your soul this lifetime. Trust in what you perceive, no matter how radical it may seem. The Divine is about to show you a glimpse into the heart of your life story and a positive prediction for your future.”

Healing Process: “To integrate this guidance, you may like to say this invocation now:

I call upon the Crystal Angel of Blue Obsidian and Angel Amitiel who love me unconditionally. Thank you for the divine healing gift of revelation. I trust and receive the truth revealed now. I accept insight into my own destiny, into what I am releasing, into what I am opening up to, and any insight I need to know about situations in my life which will serve my growth at this time. May these revelations be delivered with grace, mercy and compassion. I am strong enough to see and know the truth and feel unconditionally loved by the Universe. Through my own free will, so be it.”*

~ By Alana Fairchild

We must turn away from fear. Face it head on and then turn our backs on it. Refuse to collapse under its weight. Refuse to be strangled by its suffocating presence. Refuse to buy into the belief that it is only going to get worse; that there is nothing that we can do to change; that it is too late, we are too small, too insignificant to create a shift.

Because that is utter lies. Deception and illusion hard at work. And created only to hold us back from our true power.

We have the power to change this. Change with each and every thought we choose. Each breath we breathe. Each feeling we allow ourselves to feel.

No, it’s not easy and it may not be a case of instant gratification. It may be slow. Arduous. Time consuming. Pain staking. But oh so very worth it.

I feel like it’s time to pull in a little. Surround ourselves with loving and supportive people. Be happy in the home that we have created. It’s about quality over quantity. Simple pleasures. Appreciation. Gratitude. Loving what you have, where you are and the process that got you here.

Long walks and fresh air and smiles. Healthy lifestyle choices. Balance. Minimal technology.

It’s time to get back to being tactile. To being in the moment. To remember to tell the people you love just how much you love them. About making time and giving it generously; remembering it is your most precious commodity.

Back to basics. Finding the inner peace and living through it.



~Archangel Oracle

*Crystal Mandala Oracle Card deck by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jane Marin



3 Comments Add yours

  1. Carl EuGene Samons says:

    This was very nice to read, thank you

  2. yogazeah says:

    SO BEAUTIFULLY SAID Dee. I’m so grateful to have seen these words today. I don’t know who you are, but you are a Blessing. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Leah! Many blessings to you too! :0) Dee

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