
Fluorite, from the Crystal Angels Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Radleigh Valentine, artwork by Marius Michael-George

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Fluorite, from the Crystal Angels Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Radleigh Valentine, artwork by Marius Michael-George

Fluorite: “Natural Beauty and Authenticity ~ Be yourself, as God made you naturally attractive and lovable, inside and out.”

“This is a card about feeling comfortable and happy with your natural self. Perhaps you had been trying to conform to others’ expectations and lost yourself along the way. Now it is time to be you – wonderful and amazing, as God created you.

This may involve you speaking more authentically from your heart and letting people know your real thoughts and feelings. You may detach from people pleasing or worrying about others’ approval.

You may be guided to be more real in your physical appearance, such as ditching the hair dye or artificial tanning, eyelashes or finger nails. This is a sign of embracing and loving your true self, and owning who you really are.

This card may also be a signal to adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle. For example, you might feel the urge to detox your diet and household supplies. You might also join an environmental organization or spend more time outdoors. It is all about being more natural.”

About Fluorite: “Fluorite is so clear that it is often used for scientific optic lenses. It comes in a variety of colours that all have different vibrations. Purple fluorite brings light beautifully through, to enhance clairvoyance and spiritual understanding. The gorgeous colours of rainbow fluorite make it ideal for healing from pyschic attack or from traumas that have shattered your faith. Green fluorite can help with intellectual activities, and it is also thought to support healthy skin.”*

~ By Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Radleigh Valentine

Well, being that I am a hairdresser, I am all about creative self-expression. If you want to look a certain way, because it calls to your soul, go for it. If that means no makeup and not colouring your hair, great! If it means colouring your hair a rainbow of colours; or dressing goth; or dressing transgender, go for that too. I believe in acceptance and non-judgment. Quite literally do what makes you happy, no one else should have a say in it. Pierce, tatoo, or don’t. Shave, or don’t. Wear heels or boots or bare feet. Just be happy with who you are and find your place in the world. Don’t look a certain way to make others like you. Don’t get the plastic look just because you think you have to in order to remain attractive. Be you in the best possible way, nothing artificial in the name of beauty only. Unless you really want to. Then do what makes you happy, we are not here to judge.

Be authentic to you. Be the best and most colourful version of yourself and find joy in doing it. If it stretches someone else’s comfort zone, then maybe they need to look at why that is. We spend wayyyy too much time in judgment of others rather than just doing what we really want to do. No more of that silliness.

So today? Dig that awesome outfit out and wear it. Who cares if it’s not a special day…or maybe it is! Spend a few extra minutes getting yourself ready to face the world in a way that feels absolutely true to you. Or don’t. Whatever works for you.

Go strut your stuff you gorgeous thing. Have the confidence to own it, every beautiful inch of the being that is you.

The world needs more like you.



~Archangel Oracle

*Crystal Angels Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Radleigh Valentine, artwork by Marius Michael-George

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Jacqui Draper says:

    Head high Arse in Tits out


    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Jacqui Draper says:

    Hello Dee

    I am so sorry!

    I sent that email to you by mistake.

    I hit reply instead of forward!!!

    I forward your cards to my friend everyday and this one resonates with both of us.

    When we were younger and out wandering, we used to say this to each other.

    Sorry if I have offended you.

    Jacqui xx

    Sent from my iPhone


    1. Lol no worries Jacqui, I am not offended at all, I was trying to figure out what your message meant though, so that clears it up lol ;o)

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