
Communication, from the Sacred Power Reading Cards, by Anna Stark, artwork by Louis Dyer

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Communication, from the Sacred Power Reading Cards, by Anna Stark, artwork by Louis Dyer

Communication: “Listen carefully. Speak clearly and with confidence.”

“We communicate with others using verbal and non-verbal techniques. Our body language, listening skills and attitude determine how effective we are as communicators. It takes work and effort to improve our communication skills and, with patience, they will develop over time. Miscommunication occurs when we are unable to listen to other people. Arguments, mistakes and conflict occur when we refuse to acknowledge information or negotiate.

At the heart of all relationships is communication. Hidden messages can be seen by looking at body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. Improvements in these areas help to support solid friendships and relationships. Speak with truth and integrity. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t be impatient and intolerant – this could lead to misunderstandings and actions that, once said, cannot be taken back.

Spiritual communication is high right now, take notice of these signs and symbols from the spirit world as they try to connect to you through music, feathers, butterflies, dragonflies, moths, birds, and number sequences. Be open to receiving these messages as they come from the heart, with love.

Right now, you are asked to listen with empathy and understanding to those around you. Place yourself in the other person’s shoes to gain a new perspective. There are better ways to get your message across. Be respectful and open minded when speaking to others. Lead by example and express yourself diplomatically with honesty and dignity. It is better to communicate your feelings instead of being burdened by them. When you discuss your issues you allow space for solutions to be negotiated and resolved and improve your current state of affairs.

It is important that you avoid committing to plans and projects if you do not have all the information. Ask for more details and, when appropriate, speak to professionals such as counsellors, financial advisors, solicitors or teachers. Never be afraid to ask questions; it is ok if you do not have all the answers – that is why we have professionals!”

Affirmations:”I AM able to communicate clearly and honestly, making powerful connections with others.”*

 ~ By Anna Stark

This is a message about communication; a change in the way we communicate collectively. The red of her hair symbolizes passion, possibly anger and maybe a quick temper. Hot headed! The butterfly signifies transformation; the blue is throat chakra and orange is creativity. To me, this means that whatever is coming up for you right now, there is a better way to communicate about it. Find a way to rise above the drama; step around the conflict and see things from a higher perspective. There is no need to fight, to be ‘right or wrong’ but instead to listen carefully to the whole story or point of view of another, and then ask them to hear you out.

There may be some research that needs to be done here as well. There could be a missing piece of the puzzle and it is throwing a wrench in what you think you know about the other side of the situation. Something you think you know that isn’t quite true, or something hidden that will come to light.

Be open to something new, a different way of thinking, feeling and being. Let go of the need to be right, open your mind and open your heart. Drop the struggle and the conflict and incorporate love, compassion and awareness. What is best for everyone involved at this time? How can you proceed holding the intention of a resolution for the Highest Good of All involved?

How can you take the high road… which is most often the road less traveled and model some better behaviour than what is going on around you? If we each take responsibility for not just our actions but our reactions, we can create harmony and peace around us.

And so it is



~Archangel Oracle

*Sacred Power Reading Cards, by Anna Stark, artwork by Louis Dyer


One Comment Add yours

  1. Theresa M. says:

    Wow perfect for today. Thank you. Blessings. ❤

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