
Moonstone, from the Angel Dreams Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue
Moonstone, from the Angel Dreams Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Moonstone, from the Angel Dreams Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue

Moonstone: “Mystery ~ Intuition”

“This card is asking you to take time to observe the mysteries around and within you, such as your dreams, intentions, and relationship to the world Work on honing your psychic skills. Deepen your intuitive understanding of the sacred through travel, study, connecting with mystical sites, spiritual workshops, observing nature, and discovering the god/goddess within. Moonstone is an enhancer of clairvoyance. This gem represents the high priestess, keeper of feminine mysteries and intuition.

As you might expect, moonstone resonates with the moon. It is asking you to connect with your emotions. Open up to the deeper meanings and inner workings of life. Take time to delve into your intuitive state. This card also asks you to become attuned to the cycles of the moon. Notice its phases. Chart how they affect your body. Moonstone stimulates the functioning of the pineal gland, balancing the hormonal cycles with nature’s rhythms.

Additional Meanings Of This Card:

Archangels Haniel, Jeremiel, Raguel, and Raziel are all associated with this symbol. Work with moonstone for revelation of your past lives during dream time. Remember to extend compassion to yourself and others, especially at this time. Unblock and enhance communication with your beloved. You are receiving help with the changes in your life on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Connect with your clairvoyant (clear seeing) and clairsentient (Clear feeling) abilities at this time.”*

– Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue

This is the perfect card for the Sagittarius full moon we are experiencing tonight. Yesterday we had a message from wolf regarding guardianship, protection and support. Today we are deeping the connection with wolf’s intuitive side and invoking the power and strength of the Divine Feminine, Luna, our Moon.

Archangel Haniel is the archangel of joy, harmony, intuition and sacred divine magic.  According to Doreen Virtue’s book, Archangels 101,  “… the archangel Haniel radiates inner qualities outwardly like the full moon. … Haniel is the angel of the moon, particularly the full moon, akin to a lunar deity. Still, she remains a monotheistic angel faithful to the will and worship of God. It’s very effective to call upon Haniel during the full moon, especially if there’s anything you’d like to release or heal.” This is the perfect time to set our intentions and ask for help in achieving them with Archangel Haniel’s help. The Sagittarius full moon is all about action and getting to where you want to be. It is not about standing by idly wishing that your dreams would come true, but charging after them with exuberance. Archangel Haniel can assist you in unabashedly chasing your dreams.

Take some time tonight to get outside and see or feel the presence of the full moon. Set your crystals out to absorb the powerful moon energy, which will clear them and recharge them. Even if there is cloud cover, or you are unable for whatever reason to see the moon, close your eyes and visualize yourself making the sacred connection.

Breathe deeply and center yourself, feet rooted to Mother Earth, hands raised, palms up in receiving, face tilted towards the sky. Feel the emerald green healing energy coming up from the Earth and through you, right up into your heart center. Pull the silvery white magical moonlight down towards you with each breath. Bring it down through your crown and connect it to the Earth energy in your heart center. Then see yourself radiating this silver white and green light out around you; a bubble of pure healing energy. Feel yourself healing, feel the light finding and surrounding your loved ones and healing them. See it spreading all the way around the Earth, healing every creature, every plant, every tree, Mother Gaia herself breathing in this pure healing light. Lastly, see the bubble of light radiate right out into the Universe and set the intention that it heal every being it comes into contact with, creating joy, harmony and peace throughout the cosmos.

And so it is.



~Archangel Oracle

* Angel Dreams Oracle Card deck, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D and Melissa Virtue

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