Portal Of Light

Portal Of Light, from the Isis Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jimmy Manton
Portal Of Light, from the Isis Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jimmy Manton

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Portal Of Light, from the Isis Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jimmy Manton

Portal Of Light: “She glides on Wings through Time and Space”

“It is only this physical reality that is bound by time and space. You are being conscious on levels beyond the physical world. You are guided to work with your healing powers beyond the confines of time and space and to allow your sense of Self to expand. It is safe for you to do this now. You will not become ungrounded through such spiritual growth. You are not leaving your earthly awareness, you are instead adding to it.”

“You are growing in power and awareness. You have had breakthrough insights where you realize that you are not who you thought you were, you are in fact a much vaster being. Sometimes this was shocking and uncomfortable, and difficult to accept. At other times it was gentle and made much sense to you. You are learning to integrate this awareness of your vast Self into your life. The practical consequences of doing so are extraordinary – to live with less and less fear and insecurity, to become more detached and more passionate, more loving and less demanding, to need less and receive more, to feel more joy and exert less force to attain it… Such wonderful gifts await you!

You also become capable of exerting healing influence beyond time and space, which means being able to help free yourself  and others, if you choose to share your healing gifts. You can lean to create freedom from trauma, attachment, history and any other situation that may drain life force and distract from Divine Love, no matter whether occurring in this or any other lifetime.

Isis guides you to powers and abilities to heal that are beyond time and space. It starts with the realization that what has happened in the past has power over you only to the extent that you allow it. The portal of light is being opened to you now to travel through time and space to release the past, to open up to a future bright and to call for more power in the present moment. Once you have done this for yourself, if you are guided into the healing path, then you can share this with others.

Be guided by the loving blessing of Isis to assist you in this sacred inter-dimensional travel now for healing and understanding, more growth and peace.

The Oracle of the Portal Of Light also brings special guidance that a phase of time or experience is over and a new cycle at a higher vibrational turn turn of the spiral is beginning, so prepare to ascend. Expect things to become lighter, freer and faster moving in your life, even perhaps whilst you appear to be more surrendered and more peaceful within yourself.”

Incantation of the Portal Of Light:

“In this light beyond time and space

I enter the portal of Divine Light and Grace”*

~ By Alana Fairchild

This is an invitation, do you see Isis beckoning to you? As we receive and accept more and more Divine Love and Light into our physical bodies, we ourselves are invited to become much needed portals of light on this planet. We are asked to wake up and remember why we came here. As we ascend we aid in the ascension of others and the planet herself. We expand our energies and promote healing wherever we go, whether we are aware of it or not.

Venus is on the brink of returning to us, bringing with her more light and love than ever. We have been to the Underworld of our own souls, and we are breaking back through the darkness and into the light. We don’t need to worry that Mercury is ready to retrograde, this will give us a chance to tune inwards and integrate all the new energy and healing that we have completed during this last 40 days.

We are reaching a stage in our journey that we are actually changing structurally, from a cellular level. We are becoming more and more crystalline, able to hold more light than ever before. This is the alignment and integration of our Light bodies into our physical bodies, and it transforms us, body, mind and spirit. It is an ethereal change that can be felt on many levels. A transformation that starts within and radiates outward in our energy. You can feel the difference if you tap in and pay attention. You can always invite more light, it is an ongoing process and the more aware we are of it, and the more we mindfully work with this energy, the more expanded it will become.

Time outdoors connecting to nature is more important than ever. Elementals, crystals and plants are magical ally’s for us to work with. Time alone in silence is more important than ever. Open mind and open heart is vital to this new cycle of growth.

Connection to the Earth and the Universe through sacred breath work is your bridge between worlds.



~Archangel Oracle

*Isis Oracle Card deck, by Alana Fairchild, artwork by Jimmy Manton