
Antakarana, from the Sacred Geometry For the Visionary Path Oracle Card deck , by Francene Hart
Antakarana, from the Sacred Geometry For the Visionary Path Oracle Card deck , by Francene Hart

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Antakarana, from the Sacred Geometry For the Visionary Path Oracle Card deck , by Francene Hart

Antakarana: “Bridge”

“The Antakarana is an ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in Tibet and China for thousands of years. It is the part of spiritual anatomy that connects the physical brain and the Higher Self. It is a bridge of light that aids in your connection to higher dimensions. It is said that the Antakarana  has its own consciousness and that merely being in its presence will raise a person’s vibration and assist in healing and personal evolution.

Connecting with your Higher Self will offer insights into virtually any question or inquiry you may have. The Antakarana may be seen as a direct link between your thoughts and your intuitive nature. It is the result of the interaction between matter and consciousness.

Meditate with this shape. Relax deeply and give attention to your breath. Sit quietly and open to intuition and insight. Let this time act to strengthen the connection between thought and intuition. Realize the capacity for growth and healing you already possess. The answer to your inquiry will come through your ability to bridge the material world and the realm of Spirit.

You may wish to make a copy of this shape and place it on your altar, beside your computer, or in your healing space. Whenever you notice it, acknowledge your connection to Higher Self, and the wisdom that is always available through that communication.

If This Card Comes To You As Challenger: “Have you lost your connection” Remind yourself to merge each day with the wisdom of your Higher Self.”*

~By Francene Hart

Today we are blessed with a sign, a message from the universe in the form of sacred geometry. On a subconscious level, this is a message from our higher selves to our earthly incarnations. A tool to reconnect us to our life path, to our inner wisdom. I would strongly suggest printing off, (or better yet, drawing your own!) an image  of the Antakarana and placing it where you can meditate with it or see it in your daily life. It is no coincidence that this ancient symbol has come to us now… right when we need it!

This is the bridge of Light, from the smaller, physical, material version of us, the one stuck here in this dimension in these skin suits… to the big, expansive, bright Light of our Soul; our Higher Selves. And we need to align these two aspects of our Being. Like NOW! There is no more time to waste.

Your Soul calls you, can you feel it? Can you hear it whispering, urging you forward on your journey? Can you feel the pull, the longing? Can you see the synchronicity in every day life? The little signs, signals and messages? The repeated number sequences, the dreams, the songs, the articles… so much information that resonates deeply with you? That is all sent to you, by You! It is all breadcrumbs, leading you back to where you need to be.

As you let go and surrender to the process; as you put your spiritual life in front of your material life; as you step into your true life path and the reason you are here, now… it will all start to make sense.

Wake up. Pay close attention. Let the Antakarana light your way.



~Archangel Oracle

*Sacred Geometry Oracle Card deck For the Visionary Path, by Francene Hart

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Thank you Dee❣️❣️I enjoy these very much❣️Namaste

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