Goddess ~ Vesta: Home

goddess Vesta, home

Daily Goddess Card ~ Vesta; Home

Vesta: “Your household situation is improving, either through a move or a healthy change in the occupants.”

Your message from Vesta: “There is an undying flame within your soul, and it is the light, seed and spark of your consciousness. Your outer world reflects your inner world. Take a look around your home. Does it reflect warmth? If not, this is easily remedied and oh so important to do. It is a simple task of using your creative imagination to add warm energy to your household, such as lighting the fireplace or some candles, adding cozy blankets and pillows, or displaying greeting cards and fresh flowers. By warming up to your outer world, your inner flame responds to meet it. This increases your energy level, which automatically shifts all outward appearances toward the better. Watch how these simple steps recharge the flame within everyone in your household. This flame cleanses away negativity and brings in the new with vigor and irresistible invitation.”

Various meanings of this card: You are moving to a new home. You have just moved. A new person is moving in. Someone is moving out. There is increased romance and/or harmony in the home. A problem with neighbours is resolving. Clear the space in your home. Remodel. Know that your home is safe and protected.

About Vesta: (pronounced VEST-uh0: Vesta is the Roman goddess of home and hearth. Vesta is a fire goddess who brings warmth to house holds, both as a temperature and as an emotion. In ancient Rome, a temple in her honour bore a flame that burned continually. Call upon Vesta to oversee any changes you would like to make in your living situation.”*

This might be a great time for you to cleanse your house. When I say cleanse, it goes beyond cleaning, although that is the first step. You must clean and de-clutter your house before you can make it feel warm and inviting… well unless you are a hoarder I guess!! So, once you have cleaned and de-cluttered, then the next step is to throw open all the doors and windows and completely air out your house. I remember my parents doing this before they had guests over when I was a kid, they would clean and vacuum and dust and at the end they would open all the doors and windows and all of a sudden the energy of the whole house was new. You need that connection to outside.

Next make sure that you apply a little Feng Shui. If you are aware of the Feng Shui Baguas, you can apply some of the ideas to maximize the flow of positive energy in your house, have a look at this simplified map by Carrie Paris:

Simplified Bagua Map By Carrie Paris
Simplified Bagua Map By Carrie Paris

There are several great books on Feng Shui too, one of the ones I have found helpful and simple is Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life: How to Use Feng Shui To Get Love, Money, Respect and Happiness by Karen Rauch Carter.

I have applied several Feng Shui techniques to our home, including a small fountain in the Wealth and Prosperity sector, plants in the Health and Family sector, a wind chime in the Good Fortune sector, crystals in the Spiritual Sector as well as in the Career and Wisdom sectors, well, actually I have crystals all over the house! I have also placed plants and crystals at the main entrance to the house which always attract positive attention from anyone who comes. There are so many ideas, pick the ones that resonate with you. I’m still looking for the perfect red pillows to add to my couch and a picture to put on the wall, probably energy art!


*Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

.Doreen Virtue

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Sherryl Craig says:

    Namaste, could you please give me the name of the deck you used for this post? I’ve tried to find this particular deck but there are so many. It’s difficult to find it from just one card. Blessings, thank you, and I love your site.

  2. Hello Sherryl, I have refreshed the link and the cards are actually on sale I believe for $10, if you click the link on the bottom of the post it will take you directly to them. Blessings, Dee

  3. Bonnie Wolbert says:

    What is the name of these deck of cards?

    1. Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, by Doreen Virtue the link is at the bottom of the post. :o)

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