
Surrender, from the Numerology Guidance Oracle Card Deck, by Michelle Buchanan

Daily Angel Oracle Card, from the Numerology Guidance Oracle Card Deck, by Michelle Buchanan: Surrender

Surrender: “This card indicates a need to surrender your attachment to a particular situation or preferred outcome, because your inability to let go is impeding your success. Desperation blocks manifestation; therefore, the more you struggle to attract your desires, the more you push it away. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to detach from the situation and surrender the outcome to the Divine.

In order to attract what you want, you must give the Universe space to deliver your request. This can only be achieved by getting out of the way so that everything can unfold as it should. It is not your job to “make” it happen; it is simply your job to allow it to happen. When you surrender the outcome to the Divine, you let the magic flow.

In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life – cycles that are encouraging you to let go, trust, and surrender. Make peace with your life as it is today, and appreciate what you already have. When you do what brings you joy, rather than fret about the end result, Divine order and timing will bring the perfect outcome your way.


I receive the best possible outcome

when I surrender to the Divine.”*

– Michelle Buchanan

I want to share with you that the number 91, according to Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers means: “Stay positive and optimistic about your Divine Life Purpose. You and your mission are needed in this world.” So this message is really about faith. It is about having the faith to be able to surrender; about knowing that you are loved and supported by the Divine, and knowing that you have what it takes to manifest your dreams, even if they are not appearing as quickly as you would like. Sometimes it is that feeling right there… that feeling that you are doing everything right, yet things are not happening fast enough… that is sticking you right where you are! Even though you are doing everything right, that little feeling of doubt, of limitation, and of lack… is enough of a stumbling block to slow everything down to a snails pace. When we surrender, we give up those thoughts of lack, which are really just inherent fears and we decide that no matter what it looks like in this moment, we trust that the Universe will provide.

Surrendering is relinquishing control. It is giving up worrying in the face of challenges. It is breathing when we want to scream out loud that we have been on our best behavior and trying to work with the Law Of Attraction to manifest our dreams. It is shifting focus away from problem solving while we do what gives our souls peace. While we create joy in other areas, knowing that by experiencing joy and harmony we raise our vibration and attract more and more of the same.

Surrendering is allowing ourselves to receive help; the best help there is. Divine help. Divine guidance. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine your problems floating away into the sky, up into the Universe in order to be solved for you; for the highest good of all involved.

Then go find some happiness, and turn yourself into a magnet for everything wonderful.



* Numerology Guidance Oracle Card Deck, by Michelle Buchanan



2 Comments Add yours

  1. carmel kovarik says:

    i cant believe how accurate these cards are just want to thank you love receiving them

    1. Thank you for letting me know Carmel! I love that they are so accurate for you! Blessings, love and light!

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