
Shaman, from the Earth Magic Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Shaman, from the Earth Magic Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer

Shaman: “Ancient Healing Wisdom.”

“The deep, compassionate eyes of this Native American shaman portray the wisdom of one who has seen ans who knows. He has witnessed visions, spirits, suffering, and joy, and he knows that everything that exists has Spirit’s Intentionality behind it. Able to travel beyond the veil of ordinary reality, the shaman’s primary assignment is to discern and maintain the balance between what his human community takes from the natural world and what it gives back. When this relationship is out of balance, the shaman must do whatever is necessary to restore it. Balance equals healing.

The shaman lives his life in ceremony and treats everything with reverence, including the great mystery of death – and the even greater mystery of Life. He works with his spirit helpers, including his ancestral spirits, to help him in his service to his people and to Earth Mother, providing a liaison between the spiritual and physical worlds.

Charged with relieving suffering as one of his priorities, the shaman does so by first always tending to the spiritual wound – the source of all illness. These healing powers have been passed along over the millennia from the ancient ones, who knew the healing and curative powers of Spirit.”*

– Stephen D Farmer

Everything we need to heal ourselves was within our reach at one point in time. Mother Earth created medicine for us, and it grew close to those who needed it. In fact, the medicinal plants that grow close to the people who need them are much stronger to those people than something that comes from afar. Yet, many do not revere the wisdom of this type of healing, it has become “alternative” or holistic, but in many instances is not taken seriously. Also, we have eradicated or polluted many of the most healing plants from our yards and gardens in order to replace them with “prettier” ones. I spoke of this phenomena a few days ago in my “Dandelion” post.

Shaman work with Mother Earth and her beings, both physical and spiritual in order to bring about healing. Many of them may not be able to read, so may not be taken seriously in Western culture. Yet, they have an understanding of the medicine that was put her for us from the beginning of time. If only we could listen. Shaman see and feel the intimate connection between all that is, the thread of life, the consciousness, the beauty and the power. We would go to them in order for them to assist us to plug in to this Divine light.

The message today is to get outside and commune with nature. Slow down and really use all of your senses to absorb all that it has to offer. Get a book on the local native plants and their healing properties; or even better, go ask them yourself… if you listen patiently, they will tell you. Be sure to thank them. And ask permission if you wish to take some with you on your journey.

Embrace a tree with gratitude for the life giving oxygen it is producing for you, as you take a deep breath. Thank the rain god, Tlaloc, for the rain falling from the sky. Send thanks to the Sun God Ra, for the warmth of the sun. Listen closely and thank the birds for their messages, just for you. There is so much out there that we take for granted, and yet it can heal us; body, mind and spirit.

We just need to unplug from technology overwhelm and plug back into Gaia.


* Earth Magic Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer


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