Healing The Past

Healing The Past
Healing The Past, from the Gateway Oracle Card deck, by Denise Linn

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Healing The Past, from the Gateway Oracle Card deck, by Denise Linn

Healing The Past: “I step into my future with strength and clarity.”

Card Meaning: “Your past ( and even your past lives) affects your present. A powerful healing is occurring for you right now. Beneath the surface, there are forces dissolving old blockages and limitations. This has a positive effect on every aspect of your life, including your health, your relationships, and even your creativity.

The Universe wants you to know: Challenges in your present can be linked to past events. Take some times to examine your current situation to see what areas could be strengthened. Release old blockages. Even if it feels like nothing is happening, profound transformations are occurring at this very moment. This is not unlike the bamboo that grows roots under the surface for two to five years, building a foundation invisible to the naked eye. Wounds from broken relationships, people or situations that seem impossible to forgive, and  old shame or guilt are all dissolving. As a result, your body, mind and spirit are healing.

Questions to ask yourself: Is there anything in my life that needs to heal? What will lead me to the path of greatest healing? How can I become an even greater healing force for others?”*

~ by Denise Linn

We all have had past experiences that have hurt us, some worse than others. It can be a severe or traumatic experience, or it could be a rejection or a loss of someone we loved. There is no shame in holding on to these experiences, it is simply human nature. We use them as a lens to see the future, to protect our hearts from having to experience such pain again. What we don’t realize is that there is no way to prevent ourselves from never getting hurt again, and by using our past as a lens to view our future, we are withholding amazing connection to our present experience. We are limiting ourselves from truly experiencing joy for fear that it may be taken away. We are holding our hearts hostage in order to protect them from something long past, which can no longer hurt us unless we ourselves allow it to. We are  blocking our passion and inspiration from lighting the fire within us. We are frozen when we could be singing and dancing.

It is time to give ourselves permission to let it all go.

Breathe. Breathe in the light and breathe out the pain. One deep long breath at a time. Let it all go. Make space for the new.

We are actually incredibly adaptable creatures, us humans. We can heal ourselves, we can make the best out of any situation. We can create and manifest anything our heart desires…. if we allow ourselves to do so.

Letting go of past pains wipes the slate clean. It gives you a fresh new canvas to paint a bright new future with bold strokes of colour. It allows you to plant the seeds of your dreams in the now, knowing that nothing from the past can stop their growth; and ultimately, your success and freedom.

The future is bright.

You are creating it.


*Gateway Oracle Card deck, by Denise Linn

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