Page Of Wands

Page Of Wands, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Page Of Wands, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore

Page Of Wands: “With confidence and a childlike joy, she plays her instrument, sending forth her message. The cadences dance in swirling melodies, a song of confidence and assurance. The strident beats mark a quick tempo that is irresistible to any who hear it. She smiles, knowing that she is the center of attention as she draws our all the creatures of the woods. Excitement fills the air, and breathless exuberance.

From ether and the nether-realms,
From sea and skies, come to my side!
I summon all to heed this call:
come flock to me! Come run, swim,

Page Of Wands is creative and passionate. She is witty, charismatic, and outspoken with her philosophy. She knows her mind and is direct and forthright when she has an opinion. She may be a teacher, eager to pass on that kernel of knowledge that she possesses. She is the fiery spark of initiative, inventive, and she dares you to delve within and seek out the opportunities that may be frightening but have so much potential. Sometimes the actions that push you to the limits of comfort are the most rewarding. She tells you to do and not sit there with only mute desire. Action is what is important. Can you hear her song ringing in your ears? Can you hear its sweet seduction singing with the voice of impulse?”

~ By Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

Creation, manifestation, passion and incentive are all the messages of today’s card. It is about doing, being, advancing, expanding; there is no procrastination here. It is about quick wits and intuition; following your gut instincts and taking colourful and creative action.

Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras are most important now too: confidence, will power, self-belief, self-worth and self-esteem; sensuality and sexuality are all important factors in our lives now. We have the ability to step fully into our true authentic selves. We have the opportunity to align with our dreams and use our deepest passions to paint the canvas of our reality.

Music, art, poetry, wisdom and self-expression all play a part here. Get your creative juices flowing by doing whatever it is that you love to do. In your own unique way of doing it. Communication, teaching, and clarity of vision are key factors to the manifestation of your reality. Make a vision board, research that trip you are dying to go on and print off the info, pin it to your fridge. Look into taking or teaching a course or class. Sign up for a workshop and learn something new.

And most importantly, create with love and with joy. Create with passion and vitality. Infuse love into every aspect of your creation; always leaving space for more and more.

And so it is



~Archangel Oracle

*Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore

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