Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles, from the Tarot of the Hidden Realm, by Julia Jeffrey and Barbara Moore

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Six of Pentacles, from the Tarot of the Hidden Realm, by Julia Jeffrey and Barbara Moore

Six of Pentacles: “This is their favorite time of year, and what better way to spend this gift of a day than with their favorite tree? The playful breeze of warm air with a whisper of coolness lifts a curl that came loose from its ribbon. sunlight dances among glossy green leaves and shiny red fruit. The scent of sweet ripeness perfumes the air. She picks a perfectly ripe apple. Even just holding it in her hand, she can practically taste the crisp juiciness hiding just under that russet skin.

No, not yet, her soul sister reminds her. It is their tradition to gather the first basket of apples together. They spread a cloth on the ground and remember all the blessings of the past year. When they finish, they share the cores with whatever woodland creatures have decided to join them. Then they make their plans! Besides simply eating many of the apples, what else will they do? Cakes and pies and butters flavored with spices will become gifts for kin; this is their favorite way of sharing their love.”

Divintory Meaning Of The Six of Pentacles: “Although it seems counterintuitive, one way to increase abundance is to share what you have. The energy of earth, when mixed with the caring and generous energy of water, always seems to expand. Whether this actually creates more or just makes what you have better is unclear, but either way, it is a good thing. The Six of Pentacles lets you know that there really is plenty to go around. If you have some to spare, share it. If you need a little extra, someone nearby is sure to oblige. Any needs or perceived needs are just temporary, for your situation is a harmonious blend of need an d abundance. Whether giving or receiving, everyone involved gets to feel good.”*

~ By Julia Jeffrey and Barbara Moore

Here we are encouraged to share what we have in order to create more for all. We were asked to use all of our resources yesterday, all of our magic, all of our prayers to help others and the Earth herself. This is more of the same, but on a more individual and personal level. What do you have enough of to share?

One of our most valuable resources is our time… and of course equally would be our undivided attention. Who could benefit from more time with you, one on one? Who would be uplifted by your presence or healed by your support? Sometimes we only need to lend an ear. Sometimes we can pray for someone who needs it. Sometimes someone just needs to be seen, acknowledged, respected and accepted; we can do that for someone in need.

If you have more to give than this, even better! Volunteer; purchase items and donate them to a shelter, school, or person in need. Teach someone something that they can take with them, something that will improve their quality of life over time.

Give what you can and give with no agenda or expectation. Know that just by giving you will get back. Maybe not this moment, but it will all catch up with you. When you need it most.



~Archangel Oracle

*Tarot of the Hidden Realm, by Julia Jeffrey and Barbara Moore

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Angela hilmer says:

    Love everything you send
    I lRead with an open heart. And use wisely Thank you so much. Love from me and the universe. Angela hilmer

    1. Aw thank you so much Angela!! Love, light and blessings to you. Dee

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