Queen Of Stones ~ Bear

Queen Of Stones ~ Bear, from The Wild Wood Tarot Card deck, by Mark Ryan and John Matthews, artwork by Will Worthington

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Queen Of Stones ~ Bear, from The Wild Wood Tarot Card deck, by Mark Ryan and John Matthews, artwork by Will Worthington

Queen Of Stones ~ Bear
Position on the Wheel: “Approaching Midwinter”

Meaning Of The Card: “The ancient ancestor of the modern bear, the cave bear hibernated in caves during the cold northern winter. Neanderthals buried their skulls here and even shared their caves during some periods. Often linked to Arthurian legend, the Bear is a symbol of the power and protection of the land.
Reading Points: “Richness and plenty surround you. Your bounty and welcoming nature make you popular with all. Many depend on you, and your natural sensuality makes you powerfully attractive to others. Pragmatism and generosity open doorways at every point.”

As A Person In Your Life: “This is a practical and welcoming person. She or he delights in prosperity and luxury, though she can also have a natural and wholesome simplicity. As a friend, she is loyal, keeping faith with you and being frank about issues needing improvement. She may be a treasurer or a curator of tradition, but she can also be a hoarder or a squanderer, as well as a demanding or timid individual.”

As An Aspect Or Process: “Learning to manage things wisely, preserve things of value, make things better, provide amenities. Be careful of wasting resources.”

As An Event or Happening: “If you practice a craft or design, be expansive and liberal. A group or community. Putting the family first. Right or wrong. Refusing to nurture.”

Questions: “How can you best promote well-being here? Where can you make space to care for yourself or others? What needs to be preserved?”

Tracks and Pathways: “Power and generosity. Punctiliousness. A demanding individual. Confidence. Frankness. Assurance. Prosperity.”*

~ By Mark Ryan and John Matthews

This is a message of power, strength, and using your inner resources to your highest advantage in the most honourable way. It is a card of fearlessness, confidence and self-worth. It is no coincidence that the background is full of gold and orange. Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras:  self-belief, creativity, innate skills and talents are all at play here. Also the dawn, new beginnings, opportunities and fresh starts. Be the confident mama bear. Know your worth and refuse to back down. Be empowered. Believe in yourself. And only good will come of it.

It is important that as you stand in your power, you hold the intention that your actions and words be for the absolute highest integrity. This is not about power trips or being more powerful than another. If you are more powerful than another, you will be the mama bear and protect and nurture them as needed, then set them free to fend for themselves with the knowledge you have shared. You are an inspiration, a mentor and a positive example to those around you. Share what you have and know that the Universe will send more.

You are magnetic now, and will attract the right people and opportunities to you as you set your intention to be for the Highest Good. Others will be drawn to you for your authenticity, your abilities and your inner strength. There is sensuality at play here too. You are most attractive when you are just being you. Know this and embody it fully. Release the need to be anything other than exactly who you are.



~Archangel Oracle

* The Wild Wood Tarot Card deck, by Mark Ryan and John Matthews, artwork by Will Worthington

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