Page Of Wands

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Page Of Wands, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Page Of Wands: “With confidence and a childlike joy, she plays her instrument, sending forth her message. The cadences dance in swirling melodies, a song of confidence and assurance. The strident beats mark a quick tempo…

The Hierophant

Daily Angel Oracle Card: The Hierophant, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore The Hierophant: “I would like a story,” says the salamander to the Hierophant. “And what would you like to hear, little one?” The words come slowly. Each syllable seems to be drawn from deep within, pulled up…

The World

Daily Angel Oracle Card: The World, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore “The pulse of the World ripples is an affirmation of all the life that it holds and all the death that passes. Every leaf and tree, every creature – from the smallest insects to the great singing…

Four Of Swords

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Four Of Swords, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Four Of Swords: “Her limbs are composed in the attitude of death, but this is not that final sleep. It is just a moment of rest and recovery. Her mind floats free. She is adrift in…

Ace Of Pentacles

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Ace Of Pentacles, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Ace Of Pentacles: “It is the possibility of prosperity, abundance, and security. It is the promise of wealth and well being, of flourishing and reaping the rewards of hard work. Energy spent will see returns. A…

Three Of Pentacles

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Three Of Pentacles, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Three Of Pentacles: “They work together as one, creating a human ladder and climbing upon each other’s shoulders. With their combined height, they reach upwards, they yearn towards the sky. Into the stone wall, she inscribes…

Six of Cups

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Six of Cups, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Six of Cups: “She wanders along the path until she comes to her destination. The creek burbles along its bed not far below her chosen spot, and she sets up her table and teacups to receive her…

Eight Of Pentacles

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Eight Of Pentacles, from the Shadowscapes tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Eight Of Pentacles: “With diligence and patience, the spider crafts her gossamer web. Dawn dusts an array of dewey stars across the threads. Weaver, weave a pattern: weave a dream of summer musk; weave the drape…

Seven Of Pentacles

Daily Angel Card: Seven Of Pentacles, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Seven Of Pentacles: “She stands in the verdant garden that she has lovingly tended. She is the guardian dryad of the wood. She is a part of this place, this Eden of her own making. The peaches…

Three Of Cups

Daily Angel Oracle Card: Three Of Cups, from the Shadowscapes Tarot, by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, artwork by Barbara Moore Three Of Cups: “There is a song that dwells at the ocean’s floor. It lurks in the chasms. It hides in the voices of whales and the squeals of dolphins. It haunts the reefs and caverns….